Service Schedule

Alternating Sundays and Saturdays: Abbreviated Matins/Orthros beginning 9:30am; Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Office Hours 10am-1pm Thursdays

For information on our Lenten and Holy Week services please contact the Church office at (920) 921-4364.


Tuesdays - Bible Study 8 pm

Thursdays - Office hours 10am-1pm

Fridays and Sundays - Catechumenate Meetings 8pm

Sunday, December 22--Sunday Before Nativity
- 9:30am Orthros & Divine Liturgy
- General Assembly after coffee hour
Wednesday, December 25th--Nativity of our Lord
- 9:30 am Matins and Divine Liturgy; no coffee hour

We are again requesting donations of large red poinsettias this holiday season to decorate our church. Bring them any time after December 1 and give them to a Parish Council member. Thank you!

Men's Group: Sunday December 14 at 11:45am

Women's Group: First Wednesday of the Month--see here



-Also see our Google Calendar here.

-The archdiocese provides daily liturgical texts here, which you can load up on your mobile device to follow along with our services.

-A FAQ for newbies and visitors is here.

-For Readers and Ushers, whoever is available.